Booking Policies

What does not include:


Train Luggage Policy (PERURAIL):

Wayna Picchu or Mountain Ticket:

Documentation informed at closing of Package / Roadmap::



  1. Full refund of the Package amount provided that the request is made up to 50 days before the date of travel, being deducted commission and / or fee for bank shipping.
  2. Return of 80% of the value of the Package provided the request is made up to 30 days before the date of travel. The CONTRACTING PARTY will be charged a penalty of 20% of the value of the Package.
  3. 50% refund of the Package amount provided the request is made up to 20 days prior to the travel date. The CONTRACTING PARTY will be charged a penalty of 50% of the value of the Package, plus expenses proven to have been incurred by Machu Picchu Premium Travel.
  4. The full amount of the Package will be retained for Machu Picchu Premium Travel if the cancellation request occurs up to 7 days prior to the travel date.
  5. Machu Picchu Premium Travel will have up to 60 days to return to the CONTRACTING PARTY, contacted by e-mail reply to the cancellation request.